Fri, 04th March 2022

His Worship, Mayor Bernard Wagner welcomed Hon. Jose Mai, Minister of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise to City Hall to discuss bringing back agriculture into each of the ten (10) constituencies across Belize City through the introduction of the 'Mek Wi Plant' Urban Gardening Strategic Concept. During this visit, Minister Mai received an update on the progress of the Urban Gardening Pilot Project headed by Councillor Natasha Pipersburgh in the Police Street vicinity.
This concept is envisioned to encourage community engagement, economic independence, and community development through the integration of a series of greenhouses in various locations across the city. The intent is to train, and then enable community members to grow produce within the greenhouse structures with the support and technical assistance of the Belize City Council and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise.
Today's visit concluded with Minister Mai offering his ministry's commitment to partner with the Belize City Council in its goal of engaging, supporting and uplifting communities through fostering a sense of appreciation for the food we eat, and can eventually grow through the reintroduction of small-scale agricultural practices within the confines of our great city.
Mayor Wagner utilized today's opportunity to thank Minister Mai for his dedication to wholeheartedly support the agricultural initiatives to be undertaken by the Belize City Council through the work of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security, and Enterprise.
