The City Emergency Management Organization (CEMO) Department was established by the City Council to design and execute effective disaster preparedness strategies in order to safeguard our residents at times of emergency. Our proactive initiatives are standardized through the tripartite partnership that we have established with the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) and the District Emergency Management Organization (DEMO).

Since January of 2012, CEMO has been established as a permanent portfolio of the City Council and has been serving to protect and assist the Belizean public in the face of natural disasters.

Mission Statement: Committed to working with the Private Sector, NGO's, Communities and Government, to enhance our capabilities and strengthen capacity in order to preserve life and protect property

CEMO Responsibilities

CEMO's responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Conducting monthly meetings throughout the year for the purpose of planning for disasters (natural and/or man-made).
  • Coordinating the resources necessary to re-store normalcy after an emergency.
  • Coordinating training activities for public officers, schools and youth groups.
  • Soliciting voluntary assistance from members of the community before and after an emergency.
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses in the Emergency Action Plans for Belize City.
  • Maintaining Public Awareness of Local Emergency Management Activities.

Structure and Staff of CEMO

CEMO has 13 Sub-Committees under the chairmanship of the Mayor of Belize City Mr. Bernard Wagner along with the 10 City Councilors.

Members of CEMO are drawn from a wide range of city-based stakeholders from the Public and Private Sectors, and Statutory Boards.

Core Partners of CEMO Includes:

  • The Belize Police Department
  • Red Cross
  • NEMO
  • Health Department
  • Belize Coast Guard
  • Belize Defense Force
  • Belize Port Authority
  • BERT ambulance
  • National Fire Service
  • National Fishermen Association
  • National Met Service

CEMO is headquartered at City Hall, #810 Regent Street Belize City with their Emergency Operation Center located at the Belize City Civic Center.

  • CEMO Councillor: Javier Castellanos
  • CEMO Liaison Officer: Melony Dawson
  • Email Address: [email protected]