Mayor Bernard Wagner at the UN Headquarters

Thu, 19th September 2024

Mayor Bernard Wagner proudly represented Belize at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City for the final meeting of the Advisory Group on Local and Regional Governments to the UN Secretary-General. 

Over the past year, Mayor Wagner has actively contributed to global strategies aimed at integrating local and regional governments into intergovernmental processes within the UN governance framework.

Accompanied by Councillor Eluide Miller, who has served as his Sherpa on the Advisory Group throughout his tenure, Mayor Wagner's participation has been key in shaping Deliverable 4—A Global Strategy for the Engagement of Local and Regional Governments. 

This strategy emphasizes the crucial role of local leadership in global decision-making, advocating for stronger representation of local governments at the UN and enhanced collaboration to address global challenges.

During his intervention, Mayor Wagner highlighted the essential role of local and regional governments in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, noting that these governments stand on the frontline of service delivery, driving sustainable development. 

This meeting serves as an important Pre-Summit event for the upcoming Summit of the Future, reinforcing the critical contributions of local governments in sustainable development, climate action, and gender equality.

Belize City is proud to have such strong representation on the world stage!

#BelizeCity #GlobalLeadership #LocalGovernments #SustainableDevelopment #UN
