Enforcement Department
The Enforcement Unit acts as the enforcement
arm for the Belize City Council. The team is responsible for issuing bench warrants, warrants for traffic violations, traffic management and
assists the Municipal Court in issuing summons. These officers also
collaborate with other departments within the council to ensure that day to day
operations run smoothly and without violations. Other responsibilities of the
Enforcement Unit include:
- Michael Finnegan Market (Security 6am-6pm)
- Mon-Sun (6 constables there to manage and supervise), Sat (4am
- This unit assist market personnel in collecting market fees
for those who have not paid
- Thurs-Mon morning 6pm-6am they day monitor different establishments
and shops who sell liquor and check for liquor licenses
- Do periodic check points to reduce traffic offenses (2 officers and
a senior supervisor)
- Assist the Revenue Department and Valuation Department in
issuing stop orders for businesses that have not paid trade license
- In charge of search and rescues in the case of a natural disaster
- Enforcement Department Councillor: Edmund Kwan
- Traffic Enforcement Manager: Mauricio Gonzalez
- Email Address: [email protected]