Belize City Council Accelerator Program (BCAP) Continues Empowering Belize City residents

Tue, 02nd November 2021

The Belize City Council Accelerator Program (BCAP) continues to make strides in bringing local entrepreneurs closer to their goals. Andre Kerr and partners is one of our aspiring residents who approached us with his vision of starting a car wash in his community. We are pleased to announce that through partnership with Axiory Global Ltd. we were able to provide Andre with the startup materials needed including a power washer, vacuum and other cleaning supplies.
Andre will also be included in our 3rd cohort of the Accelerator Program who will be receiving the essential training to start and sustain a small business this November.
This is yet another step towards empowering Belize City residents, strengthening our economy and creating a society built on sustainable development.
~The Belize City Council...Always 'Bout The People~
